To the Righte honorable my very good sonne and daughter the Earle and countys of Shrouesbury/ / / /
Lady of Shrowsbury 15 Ianuary after 160...
my good sonne and daughter, I thanke you for your sendin[g] to me; I thanke god I am very well./ I shall be moste hartely glade to see you; you can not goe to any wher you shalbe more welcome.// I pray god to graunt you a happye day of monday, and euer to prosper you in all your procedings, I desire that matter to goe no better then I know you haue right to.// I am well contente that any ther; that hath harde me speake of yt shall vpon any othe declare what they haue harde me to say which I wyll euer be ready to Iustefye; yf anythinge more Lye in me to doe at this tyme Let me vnderstand yt; I am as desirus yt should goe well as your selues can be, so in haste I wyll cease praying the almighty euer to blesse you and yours with all happynes; at Hardwecke thys xvth of Ieanewary

your Loueing mother


daughter I am sory that Charles ys no better. I pray you write to him to kepe good dyate.// yf your busynes wyll suffar you, you may both Lye heare during the tyme of your tarrying in the contrye, and haue any to attende you that shall haue occasione; or as your busynes requeares.// I shall thenke Longe tyll I see you both


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