To my wyfe the
countes of Shrewsbury
of small affecte
My swete harte your trewe & fethefull sole you
bere me is more commfortabull to me than Any thyng
I can thynke Apon & I gyve him thankes dayly
for his benyfates he hathe bestoud of me/ & gretest cause
I have to gyve him thankes that he hath cent me ...
you in my oldes yeres to commfort me withAll/
your commynge I shall thynke longe forre/ & shall
send of frydaye your lyttar horses & of saturdaye
mornyng I wyll sende my folkes because frydaye
they wylbe desyras to be at Rotherame fere/ it Aperes
by my cystar wyngfeldes lettar there is brute
of this queen goinge from me I thank you for sendeng
it me whych I Reterne Agen & wyll nott show it tyll
you maye speke it your celf what you here/ & I have
sent you Ihone Knyftons lettar that lord brought
me that you maye persev what is bruted of the
yonge kyng/ I thanke you for your fatte capon
& it shalbe baken & kept cold & vntouched tyll my swete
hart cum gesse you ho it is/ I have sent you Afesant
coke that was gyven me whych is All the dedes I
have here/ I have wrytten to cellares to send every
weke Aquartar of Rye for this tene wekes whyche
wylbe As mych as I kno wylbe hadde there
& x quartares of barley whych wylbe All that
I can spare you farewell my swete trew
none & fethefull wyfe
All youres
G Shrewsbury