My dere none I wyll send you your horses this nyght to cum to me to morow for that I thynke it longe tyll you cum/ Ihone knyfton came yestardaye & brenges me papares & no money/ here hath bene kyrkle the Resevares man for your Rentes of shottell & posterne & sath he was with you & you called him knave/ & As it happenyed yestarnyght late cam helow & be chaunse brought me xlli so have I payd the knave your Rent & Resevyd watson svnes aquyttans whettar that be good orr no withoute the confyrmasyon of his fathares hands & sele therein I doute/ helow hathe brought you no money but that you must be dreven to shewe for it & so must I for my iicli I shuld now have Resevyd whych hyndares me nott Alyttell in lyenge of my provysyon for my house yett how so evare I doo I woldbe lothe shottell sholdbe forfeted for so smale Asum I have bed it done & spoken to helow to gett it in sute & I wyll lend you the xliijli tyll I paye you more money of the CCli I promesed to gyve you/ your plat I perseve is nott cum doune Acordenge to your promes/ this house is gretly trobled with the mesells / bela & the Rest of the cheldren & sundry old folkes of the sodyares but there is no dangar in them if they kepe warome fare well my only Ioye my collyke is grevus with me styll be Reson I clepe nott well & of my costymures I Ryde dayly Abrode x myles At the lest & fyndes no grefe

Your fethefull husband

G Shrewsbury

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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
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