To my wyfe the countes of Shrewsbury
My one swete hart I have Resevyd your lettares wherein you wysche me to send vpp agen wych I wyll doo but it semes hur majeste is so bent as hardly wyll it be graunted spesyally hur goinge to buxtons/ were it Aperes you want new wyne & the old Remenes/ I wyll send herein Abylld and to send you ij ponsyons of new wyne from wyngfeld because it is nerest & ferest way/ & for the Cli fyfte wyll I send you this weke & the othar be sune as it cum/ & where you wold have ijCli more At London I have gyven ordar to paye All I Reseve to my Lord montegull there so as that I wold nott have you to mak Acount of it & be desevyd/ & if by possybell menes I can have my money dew payd vnto me I wylbe gladd to helpe you butt otharwyes I have so my oun to do withall this somare as I Am fene to trye my fryendes for money Amonges them you beenge chefeste you have stoppyd my mowth for berenge of you any your want beenge so grete & therefore in that mattar I can nott helpe you so many brekenge promes with me my love & your frend commendes them to you & dothe I thanke god very well & I praye you commende me to the gret belly god blesse her & you. & I drenke to vs as we doo to you & this day I told my lade lynoxe che Askenge me of hur goinge to chatsworth I told hur che shuld staye Awyle because I douted of my cummynge so sone to chatsworth where it semyd to greve hur che shuld nott cum to the brengeng to bedd of hur cystar wych I Infere you doo hur wrong therein for it were nott Amysse che shuldbe with hur now & grace Also. where so evar you mynd & wysche they shall Remene lett me here Agen from you to morow at nyght herein As you lyke so wyll I Sheffeld this xxj Iune 1580/

Your fethefull husband

G Shrewsbury

I wyll send you leves to mowe in/ I pray you tell gylbard I wold have him be of wedensday At bakewell & marmyon with him where Roland darre wylle mete him About the ordar for the treyd shotte

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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
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