hosbande the erle
of Shrouesbury
latter agene and thanke you for them
they requyre no ansore, but when
you wryte remember to thanke
hym for them, yf you cane not
gett my tembur caryed I moste be wt
out yt tho I greuly wante yt, but
yf yt wolde plese you to comand
heberte ^or any other^ to moue your tenanter to
brynge yt I knowe the wyll not
denyue to do yt, I prey you lette
me knowe yf I shall haue the
tone of Irone, yf you cane not spare
yt I moste make ^heste^ to gette yt else
were, for I may not now wante
yt, you promysed to sende me money
afore thys tyme to by oxxen, but
I se out of syght ^out^ of mynde wt your
onkende none, my sone gelberte hathe
bene vary yll yn hys hede euer
sence he came frome Shefelde, but
I thynke yt ys hys oulde dyseasse.
he ys now I thanke god some what
better and she vary well, I wyll
sende you the byll of my wode sto...
he may be sure to reseaue all. I thanke
you for takynge order for the caryage
[deletion] of yt to hardwycke, yf you wolde
comande your wagene myght bryng
yt thether I thinke yt wolde be
saffeleste caryed, her ys nether
malte nor hopes, the malte come
laste ys so vary yll and stynkenge
as hankes thynkes none of my
workemene wyll drynke yt, showe
thys latter to my frende and then
retorne yt, I thynke you wyll take
no dyscharge at sowches handes nor
the reste, you may worke stylle yn
dysspyte of them, the laue is one
your syde, yt cane not be but
that you shall haue the
quenes consente to remoue hether
therfor ^yf^ you wolde haue thynges
yn redynes for your prouysyon
you myght the soner comme. comme
ether afore medsomer or not thys
yere, for any prouysyon you haue
well at ester as at thys day,
here ys yt no maner of ^prouysyon^ more then
a letyl drenke, whyche makes me
to thynke you mynde not to come
god sende my Iuwell helthe.
thys [deletion] saterday mornynge
letyss for that you loue
them, and euer seconde
day some ys sente to your
charge and you. I haue
nothynge else to sende lette
me here how you your
charge and loue dothe
and comende me I prey
you, yt were well you sente fore
or fyue pecus of the great hungeng
that the myght be pott oup and
some carpetes, I wysshe you wollde
you myght come wtyn iij or fore dayes after you
here frome corte wryte to balwene to call ...
my lorde tresorare for ansore of your leters