To the Ryght
my vary goode
lord borley lorde
of enlonde
24. October 1578
The Countesse of Shrewsbury to my Lord
my good Lord I fynde my selfe so meche bouend to
your Lordship for all your honorabell fauores as I can
not but acknolege that I take a sengeuler comforte
theryn, and holde my selfe ryght hapey for
the great benyfytte of so fast a frend/ thynkenge
yt my parte to desyre knolege yn what statt
of helthe your Lordship ys/ for whych respecte I
chefely thought good to sende and here by also
to aduertys that my Lord of Leycester be fore
my comynge to courte aponted one vary good
chamber with some of other Letyll rome to be made
redy for me beynge parte of hys owne logynge
wereof I reste vary glade for that I hade rather
haue albeyett neuer so letyll acorner withyn the
courte then greater easement forder of. har
magystye vouchsafed moust gracyous speche
and acseptance of my deuty, and as I haue alwaye[s]
so I shall thynke my selfe moust humbley bonde
trewly to honore sarue and prey for har magystye
whyle I leue. good my lord for that I hope shortely
to se you at courte I wyll now ceasse assurynge
I wysshe your Lordship and al your as to myselfe
al hapey welfare with mouste harty comendacyons
to your Lordship my good lady your wyffe and good
lady oxfort with har letyll swette lady I end
recmond the xxiiij of october
your good Lordship's moust assured
as yt I haue not moued
any sute to har magystye