To the Right honorable my espetyall good Lord the Lord Brughley Lord Tresurar of England / / / /
my espetiall good Lord; I weare aboue measure vnthankfull; yf I shoulde not acknowledge that noe man hath bound me Lyke vnto your Lordshipe for since I was furste knowne vnto you I haue tasted of your fauor; and in my Laste and greatest misfortune, was in the end only by your compassione and goodnes, brought to that quiett I possessed./. your Lordship's kynd letter ys an excedynge comforte to me and your Iudgment therin of my latt husbands disposition moste trew as some cercomstances before his death declared, with the generall spoyll mad of his goods by thos bad Instruments which contenewed the seperatione begun by amyghteer hand./ but I hope my good Lord that all disagrement (in this famely) died with him; quiett ys my prencipall desire; and I shall rather suffer then enter into controuersy; yf Iniuries be not vntolerable, which perswation of peace by your Lordship ys exceedinge graue, very honorable, and moste frendly./ my moste honored Lord, I beceach your Lordship know that I greatly reuerence your Lordship and though my frendshipe ys not worthie enough, yet as yt ys, and to the very highte your Lordship shall eyer commande yt, for I am mightyly bounde thertoo, so wishing your Lordship many prosperus and happye days I take my Leaue of your good Lordship, at sheffeld this xixth of desembar

your Lordshipes and so bounde./


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