[Address Leaf: Notes]
To my honorable good
frend/ Mr Secritory
7 Feb.
The Countesse
of Shrewsbury
on the behalfe of Mr
Iohn Wingfield
[Overleaf: Notes]
[Letter Text: Notes]
good mr secretorye I presume so much of your accustomed fauor
as I styll make bould to be a troblesome sutor vnto you, and nowe
to requeare your Lyke frendshepe for the quallyfying of a
dyspleasuar I heare her ma:ty conseued for the maryage
betwext the countys of kente and mr Ihon wengfeld my
nephewe. I would be ryght sory her ma:ty should contenew
in any dyslyke of them wth any being most dutyfully affected
towards her hyghnes as I know they are can not bear wthout
extrem grefe./ and albeyt he were not of such Leueing as
myght merryt so good a maryage yet being a Ientylman and
of that house wherof dyuars haue most dutyfully sarued her
ma:ty and her prodecessors and he also of honest dyscrete
conuarsatyon and very zealously religious in the trewe feare
of god so as he can not but showe hym selfe amost obedyent
subiect to her ma:ty I trust her hyghnes welbe easly parswaded
to thenke of them as they shall dyssarue, wher vnto yt shall
... you to be ameane for them at my instance I shalbe
... bound ... therby as I am dyuarsly hereto fore ...
... then I can any way dyssarue more then by my
faythfull goodwyll to doe you what pleasuar may Lye in ...
me, and so pray the almyghty to sende you Longe healt...
and what else may be to your greatest felecetye./
Sheffeld thys vijth of february

your assured Louing

[Overleaf: Notes]

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