yestarnyght from Refford thow wery in tollenge Aboute yett
thynkenge you wold be desyrus to here from me screbeled
thes few lynes to lett you vndarstand I was in helthe &
wysched you Anyghtes wt me/ I pyked out Avery good tyme
for cynse my comyng from home I nevar hadde lettares
but thes this mornynge from gylbard whyche I sende
you/ I mynd to morow god wyllenge to be wt you At Chatsworth
& in the mene tyme as occorrants cum to me you shalbe partakar
of them/ I thanke you swete none for yor baken capon
& chefleste of all for Remembreng of me/ it wylbe late
to morow before my commynge to chatsworth vij or viij of the cloke
at the soneste & so farewell my trew none this xxviijth Iune