To my wyfe the countes
of Shrewsbury
My none I havenge Resevyd your letter whereby
I persev the pekes men desyres to know to morow
home I wyll name to mete to talke with there men
they dyd chuse before me At there last beinge here wych
was master shalcroste & dacen of bely flatt/ Althow
I wold be loth to putt my cappe in doinge & thereby to
lose Apese/ yett consyderenge there polayte more than
there desarte & nothynge weinge there clamorus spech
I wold with all my harte there Intensyon shold goo forward
to exebytt Abyll to the quenes majeste for I nethar have
nor wyll doo that thynge I wold have withholden
from hur majeste Knolege thow they Immagen otharwyes
wych I wold have them putt in proffs/ nevartheles
if you perseve they mene as they speke to seke my favore
& good wyll in dede Apoynte my steward & one othar
with him home you lyke so that he be one/ & loke what
he agrees therevnto I wylbe contented withAll/ but gladdst
of All wold I have bene that master chaunslar of the
duche him celfe myght have harde the
mattar & gyvn Iugment therein/ so I wysche you
shortly to Retorne Sheffeld vij of Iune 1575/
Your fethefull husband
G Shrewsbury
torne ovar
I wrytt this because you may send my lettar
to them to see how lyttell I Acomt of ther complentes
I have Resevyd Alettar this mornyng from master
sekretere with lettares to this queen from leyger for hur Afferes
& his lettar to me is the quenes majeste cum nott in to yorkshyr
this yere/ & wyddar che cvm in to shropshyr or no it is douted
for helard he is Aboute your frame & it wylbe done within
this iij dayes & than he shall cum to you the next weke thow
I maye Ill spare him/ fare well my only Ioye
G Shrewsbury
& senge I Am constrenyd to Absent my
sune gylbard I wyll provyd sum plase forr
him & his wyfe whych I wyll vse your advyse therein
& surely I wold have you provyd for charls your sun
ho is esely ledd to folly/ for within ij nyght Aftar you
went from me his man morten Intysed
his mastar blyth & my Armorar to goo Astelynge in
to staly parke/ in the nyght/ & I wold wysch you to
Advyse him from those doinge lest sum myshappe myght
cum thereby to his harom & your grefe/ now the progresse
Altares I mynd to Altar my wrytenge to hur majeste