Maye yt please your Honor I receyved a lettar from your Ladyship by my brother Wyliam: and whear as your Ladyship wrytes yt ys sayed with you that, I am gonne onely vp to London to playe at dyse, the sayer, or speaker of yt in tyme, wyll be asshamed of hys occupacyon, and eyther be noted commonly for false, or els bewar how he crepeth into every mans Iudgement, and mynde, whear he ys not made pryvye nor can led to counsell. ffor me, I lyttle regarde reportes, nor studdy to please every man, I haue attayned to please those I seeke, If I please your Ladyship for others I lyttle esteme to please thear fantasyes, and wyll lesse every daye, knowyng I am as ffree borne, as any other, and therfore thynke I dooe well yf I please my selfe, which by Godes Grace I wyll asshuredly, shortely dooe, and showe whearfore my commynge vp was, neyther to playe at Dyce, to seeke ease and dallyance, or for any other vayne delyghte, but to seeke vyrtú, and honor in Armes, which by hys lycence that yeldes all thynges I am resolute to ffolloe knowynge nottwithstandynge that yt wyll be yll spoken of, and letted s by my ffrendes, not for my good, but for envy. But by that meanes I shall staye some Babelyng tounges from talkynge of my playe, and cause them to sharpen thear wyttes to devyse some other great faulte in me, more I thynke in my conscyenc[e] to troweble your honor, then to mend any yll in me, ys ther, deyffke. My studdy ys to please your Ladyship and so I endevor my selfe dayly; and for my playe your Ladyship shall hear, yf you hear the trewthe, shall be altered, and I gyven to other playe. that many myslykes, though, most fytte for a gentleman. Thus humbly cravynge your Ladyship's dayly blessynge I end prayynge to God to send your Honour longe lyffe and good healthe Coleharbert the vjth of November

Your Ladyship's most bounden Humble and obedyent sonne.

Henry Cavendyshe

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