To me lady.
Besekyng ye allmyghty to preserue your honorable helthe. your honour I truste shall receive here part
off your pryncypall Iuelles I truste in ye allmyghte in as good helthe & mery as ye parted from
Wynffeld which was to them as mery & pleasand as ye recevyng off them wylbe Comfortable
to your ladyship which I truste & daylly prefor meay contenew in lyke comford & plessure duryng all your
lyffe & send all your honour's oyer great greffes torned to ye lyke comffordes so with me harty
prayer for ye same I take me leaue Wynfeld this xxij of apryll 1589
your honor’s obedyent seruand
your honour shall nede to take no thowght botte be merye for you shall fynd all
thynges here I truste in as good order as you leafte them for we nether wyll
yeld to commandment nor forsse except your honour's hand & yett we wyll lett your
honour vnderstand & haue a second comandment by on off your owen men vnder your
hand leaste ye fruste be counterfett
Nycholas Kynnersley