To my Lady./
Our bounden dutyes moste humblie Remmembred/ In lyke humble manner gevinge your Ladyship thankes for your lettre which lately we receved/ Wherby we vnderstand/ that which beste contenteth vs/ The good healthe of your Ladyship with all yours there./ Touchynge our busynes here/ we can not yet (by any possible meanes) procure the dispatche therof, but are styll delayed with daly promis/ and partycularly for the offyces/ I lately vnderstandinge that the Erle of Essex meante to renew his sute to her majestie for Tutbury I toulde him/ that I was very sorry my happ was to be crossed therin by any seynge the same offyce hadd contynued in the handes of my auncestors thes two hundred yeres paste/ muche more by suche a one as his Lordship was of whom I never deserved otherwyse then well/ and who I was ryghte sorry sholde vse so great discurtesye to me &c: with muche more to the lyke effecte/ When I hadd ended/ he answered/ that It lyinge so very nere his chefe house & in his owne cuntrey he hadd moved her majestie therin more then a yere synce/ who did dyrectly promis him that she wolde make stay therof for him and not graunte it to any other/ which promis he sayde he was fully purposed to have now renewed to her majestes memory/ nevertheles so muche he respected my house/ and so great good affection he bearethe to me/ as he was contented bothe to surcease his sute for him selfe/ and to further me therin all that he coulde/ which I colde not but take very thankfully at his handes/ And thus muche I have imparted bothe to my Lord Threasurer and to master Secretary/ And they have declared the same to her majestie so as there is now no scrupell at all/ that I can learne/ & yet my bylls are vnsigned/ and putt of from day to day./

I assure my selfe that before this lettre shall cum to your Ladyship's handes/ you shall have harde of the wycked murther of the ffrenche Kynge In this manner/ a freare of a new order which this Kynge him selfe erected caled/ The order of Dominickes desyred to have private accesse to his owne person for matters tendynge hylye to his honor & servyce/ And beynge admytted he delivered vnto the Kynge a lettre importynge an offer of one of the chefe gates of Paris to be at the Kynges commandement but before the sayde lettre was fully redd/ that cruell varlett (with a longe sharpe poynted knyfe yat he hadd in his wyde sleve for yat purpose) stabbed the Kynge into ye syde therwith/ yet the King havynge sum glympse of the knyfe stroke it sumwhat doune with his arme/ wherby it perced not so depe into his boddy but yat ther was hope of his recovery/ the Kynge him selfe wrested that knyfe oute of the vyllanes hande/ (sum sayes he pulled it oute of his owne boddy) but certayne it is that the King stabbed the varlett two or three tymes into the face & hedd therwith/ & so by thos yat were nereste the Knyge/ he was Instantly slayne in ye place/ The King immediately sente for the King of Navar to him who was incamped nere vnto him with many others of the nobilitie/ And after he hadd hadd sum private speche with the King of Navarr/ he desyred all thos noble men ther presente to receve him for theyr Kynge and no other/ which they all faythfully vowed to doe And they all (with that Kynge) did also vow to be revenged of the Kynges dethe/ Sum thynke it is not a freare indeede who did this wycked acte/ but sum other person who determininge to sell his lyffe in yat revenge/ did so aparrell him selfe/ to thende therby to procure accesse./ Vppon this newes my Lord Chancellor (who was then at holdenby at the marryage of his nephew) was sente for vpp agen with all spede/ And this nyghte he will be at london/ he purposed to have tarryed ther xen or xij dayes longer/ here they will resolve what course is fytteste to be taken for the King of Navars ayde so sone as they shall be agen advertized how the nobilitie & people are bente towardes him./ all thynges here are after the wonted manner/ Thus moste humblie besechynge your Ladyship’s blessinge/ with our wonted prayers for your moste happy longe lyffe in all comfortes/ and our prayers to God to prosper my Lady Arbella and to blesse our lyttell ons/ & to rewarde your Ladyship for your gret goodnes to them we humblie seace./ This fyrste of Iuly .1589.

Your Ladyship’s moste humble and obedient lovynge chyldren / /

Gilb: Talbott

Mary Talbott

meny good wordes I contenewally receue and promes of as much as I can desire but nothing performed for your ladyship’s case nothing done how my lord's reuersion of his ofesis standes this leter will aduertes your ladyship and for welbeke it is much mor bacward then it semed to be at our coming vp. we will labor still by all good menes and leue: the succes to god who in shart time may make greter alteracions when we lest loke for it god

turne all to the best, here is a brut but I know not of what credet that foler shall be the Queen’s leger imbasitor in Scotland: the Queen axed me very carfuly for my lady arbell the last day god bles her with all his good blesinges and geue your ladyship that and all other comfortes

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