at shefild loge this 30 of desember
To my Lady
My duty most humbly remembered I thinke it
longe sence I hard of your Ladyship and ther
fore send this berer to bring vs word of
your Ladyship's good health and to pray to the
hiest to send your Ladyship a hapy new yer
and mayny of them: I haue mad bould
to present your Ladyship with this quission which
is mad iust by the pateron of my daughter
of arandals bed: and sparner and do besech
your Ladyship to yous it euery day at your pray[er]
to leane of it which I pray god you may...
doe with all comfort my lord desires me ...
remeber his duty to your Ladyship and so humbly
beseching your Ladyship's blesing to vs all in like
humbel maner I will take my leue with
the prayrs of vs all to the hiest for your Ladyship's
longe life
at shefild loge this 30 of desember
at shefild loge this 30 of desember
your Ladyship's most
humbell and
obedient daughter
Ma: Shrowsbury