To the right honorable
my very good Lady the
Countisse of Shrewsbery
I thank your good Ladyship as wel for your honorable offer, and
Curtuouse lettres, as also for the fatt Stagge youe send
me. in good wit I will requite both, and other ways
as I can. I haue imparted to this bringer whi
I do not answerr your request, for so I should hynder
that good which I hope to bring to passe. my purpose
is to helpe and not to hurt. ther is tyme for all
things. my Labor and good wil shal not be wanting
god must give the successe. I hope wel, and I trust
no want wilbe in your Ladyship for the performans therof.
Thus referring the rest to the report of this bringer
I Commend your good Ladyship to the good direction of goddes
holy spirite. Soutwell Iulij 7. 1584.
your Ladyship's in christ
E. Ebors