master pierrepoint remenbers his humble duti to your honour
to my Lady/
may yt please your honour sur Ihon halles cam
post from london vppon tuesday last and
yesterday went towards barwike wher
he dothe heare bi on of the kinges
chamber that his majesti woll be on Satterday
nexeste and ther stay vntil he hath setled
the parts ther aboutes also he sayeth
that al thinges in the southeren partes
proceede peaceably only my lord beauchamp
is sayd to mak some assemblyes whic he
hopeth wil soddenly dessholfe into smoke his
forse beyng feble to make hede agenst
so grayt an vnyon so geueynge your honour
most humble thankes for your moste honourable
and continuall bonty to me and most humble
crauyng your Ladyship's blesinge I humble tak my
leue beseeching the almighti to send you
long lyfe al comfort and happines this
present friday
master pierrepoint remenbers his humble duti to your honour
master pierrepoint remenbers his humble duti to your honour
your Ladyships humble
and obedyent dautter
F pierrepont