[T]o the right honorable
[coun]tes of Shrewsbury
[t]his at Chattesworthe
...by wheare
After my due and moost humble commendacions vnto your honorable
good Ladyship may it please the same tunderstand that I cannot lerne
the certaynetie of all the causes of thoccasions that the duke
was committed to the tower; but thei say one was one was
for sending mony to relive the lordes of the Scotishe quenes
syde, as by mony and lettres intercepted it may appeare; for the
Scotishe quene as thei say. sent the duke a lettre of her owne
hand at good lengthe; requiring him to send ayde to her frendes
in Scotland, or elles thei were hable to hold out no longer;
wheare vpon presently he sent .vj.Cli in golde with a lettre to the
Scotishe Quene an other to the Lordes of Scotland of her
syde, and an other to Banister all his doer in the northe, to
conveaye the same; the which was broughte to a marchant
man to conveye with speed in the name of .l.li the marchant
annswered that he wold receve it heare, and cause it to be
payd immediatly there; but that cold not be but to be
conveyed as it was seald vp; The marchant marveling
at the earnestnes of chicford; and after he was gonne feling
the waighte of the bagge, being very hevy; brook the
seales and opened the bagge, and found the lettres and the gold;
wheare with being very muche a feard; came to the court
and showed the bagge and the lettres; wheare vpon, my cosen
Kipwithe was sent to the duke that no man shold talke
with him but in his hearing, and Chicford his Secretary
was sent to the tower on Saterday at the night, and on
sonday in the morning was examined by Sir Thomas
Smythe and master Doctor Wilson, and his examinations
sent to the court; and there vpon Sir Raufe Sadler was
sent to the duke and came thither by .ix. of the clocke
in the morning and discharged his howsehold and
continued with him till he went to the tower; and
imediatly after Sir Raufes comming; according to Chicfords
confession, thei did searche; for their sifer; and he did
appointe a wronge place, and found it not; but
there thei found the Scotishe Quenes lettre; wheare
vpon the duke was had to the tower; and chicford came from
the tower to the Cherterhowse, and found the sifer in the rowfe
amongest the tyle stones; whiche discovered the hole matter
The laste weeke the duke sent to the Quene, that if her
majestie wold send to him my Lord of Burly he wold declare
the hole matter; and whan he came; he wold nauther say nor
writte, but denyd probable thinges; and the same day came
in to the tower Banistar his man; and there was examined, and stowtely denyd
matters layd
to his charge; in so muche as chicfordes examinations was sent
to the duke; and chicforde was broughte face to face before
Banister; who was racked on Wednesday twysday last; and barker
was going to the racked; and vpon his confession was stayed;
yesterday Sir Thomas Wrothe Master Osburne, and others was
sente to the Charterhowse to take an innuentory of all his goodes;
and the saing is that the duke tooke vpon interest .xx.Mli but
thei cannot fynde wheare abowe .vj.Ml hathe bine bestowed of
it. His doing is so evident and playne to vndermyne
our moost soverayne Lady that if he scape deathe yet never imprisonment as longe as she lyvethe; but suerly he will
hardly escape that is to be layd to charge.
Thei say the Quene wilbe at my Lorde of Burlyes howse
besides Waltam, on sonday nexte, wheare my Lord of Oxford
shall marry mistress Anne Sicelle his daughter;
Chippine Vitellus is comme in to fflanders agayne out of
the Spanishe court and hathe given him the Contie of
Holstroughte in the Lowe Contryes; and the duke de
Medena seli is comming by sea with a .xxx. sale; whereof
is .viij. men of warre.
Thei say the Turke dothe muche harme bothe by sea and
lande; and good newes of good conclusion is looked for
out of ffraunce by the nexte messenger of the consumation
of the mariages; but there is nothing spoken of the
Quenes majesties mariage.
He that murderd the Earle of Linaux and he that let
thennemyes in at the posterne gate be bothe executed.
And thus leaving all my matters to determyne of the
almightie god, that seethe the wronges that is donne
me; who with his mightie power will revenge my
cause whan it shall please him. I moost humbly
take my leave of your honorable good Lady wishing
my Lord and yow all helthe with encrease of honor to
godes pleasure scribeld at London the .xxj.th of September
.1571. I cannot lerne Banisters confession vpon the rack,
as yet, but he was put to the rack for the draying
of moost manifeste trothes at the first.
Your honorable good Ladyship's ever to command
during lyfe
Hugh ffitzwilliam