21: february. 1602
To the Countess of Shrewsbury
From Master Vichamberlin
and my Master
by Sir Henry Broucker
Madame; Her Majesty being pleased to send downe this
Gentleman Sir Henry Broucker, to whome she hath
committed the trust and carriadge of this busynes, which
groweth from the Last Declaration which the Lady Arbella
sent you, seconded with a Lettre of her owne to vs, bearing
date the 6. of februarij (all which her Majesty hath seen and
read) There remaineth Little more for vs to say, then
this, which followeth; first, her Majesty reiterateth her
gracious acceptation of your syncere and carefull dealing,
wishing styll, that your vsage of the Lady may be accompanied
with those circumstances, which were expressed in our Late
priuit Lettre vnto you: for although it appeare, before these
Laste Lettres; that some vayne humours doe possess her
minde, who being yong is easily mislead with false and
flattering tongues; yet her Majesty would haue you onely
to vse her according to our Last Lettre, except when you
shall discouer, that her actions tende to any
dishonorable practises; least the world should thinke
she were to be used, as a Prysonner; considering that your
Ladyship keepeth a house so full of discreet servants both
men and women; and hauing also Master William Cauendish
who being her Vncle, and a wise Gentleman, can not but
be an excellent Compagnion for her, as well as an Obseruer
when any matter more then ordinarij is travelling in her
Minde, or putt in practise: to whome as well as to your
Ladyship her Majesty hath commanded vs, to deliure thus much;
That seeing by the yong Ladys Lettres, it is almost impossible
to make jugement, whome or what she meaneth (so
many contrarieties appearing) and therefore that it
wilbe hard, to resolue precisely, what should be done
except we were vpon the place, her Majesty requireth
you, and Master William Cauendish, both to geue credytt
to this Gentleman Sir Henry Broucker, and when he shall
haue spoken with the yong Lady, and find cause, to
aduise of any course to be taken, vntyll her Majesty be
aduertised, that in such case; your Ladyship or any other, to whome
it may appertaine, be conformable to his advise; being
that which we haue geuen him authority to signifye, as
he shall shall find fytt for her Majestes honor in such a
case./. And thus hauing now deliuered you as
much as the present tyme requireth, wee recommend
your Ladyship to Gods protection. from the Court at Richmond
the 21th of februarij .1602
your Ladyships loving frendes.