To my wyfe The countes of Shrowsbury at tutbury yev this
my dere none havenge Resevyd your lettar offe the furste of decembar whyche camme in very good tyme eles hadde I sente oune of thes few Remenynge with me to have brought me worde of your helthe whyche I dobted offe for that I harde nott from you offe All this tyme tyll now whyche drove me in dumpes but now Revyved Agen by your wrytenge vnto me/ I thank you swete more for your podenges & venyson/ the podenges have I bestoud in this wyes dosen to my lade cobbam & As many to my Lord steward & to my Lord of Leystere & the Reste I have Resarved to my celfe to ete in my chaumbar the venyson is yett At london but I have cente for it heddar I perseve nedd talbott hathe bene syke & now paste dangar I thanke god I have sych Anone that is so carfull ovar me & myne/ god cend me sone home to posesse my greteste Ioye/ if you thynke it is you/ you Arre nott desevyd I wyll nott forgett to dele with the master of the Rolles for Iounge knyfton/ he semes to be myche my frende/ & is now in delynge betwext denenge & me for the lees of Abbott stoke/ Agred Apon by me & tomworthe he shuld so doo/ he holdes it At Athousande markes/ & the master offe the Rolles hathe dreven it to vc poundes whych me thynkes to myche for syche Alees yett because it lyes so as I Am informyd Amounges gylbardes landes I have made my steward to ofar iiijc poundes & to gett ... tyll the next terem because I wold hav your advyse therein/ & for that I lyve in hope to be with you before you can Reterne Answar Agen you shall vndarstannde that this presente mondaye in the mornynge fyndenge the quene A in the garden At good lesur I gave hur mageste thankes that che hadd so lytell Regard to the clammurus pepull of bolsore in my absens che declared vnto what evell speche was agenste me off my nerenes/ & sclak in house kepynge/ & As mych As was told hur/ whych che inowyes beleved with As good wordes/ as I cold wysche declarenge that or it were longe I shuld well perseve che dyd so truste me As che dyd few/ che wold nott tell me wherin but doute it was About the custody of the scotes quene/ here is pryvate spech that gates & vahan shuld make sute to hav hur but this day I perseve it is Altered I thynke before senday thes mattares wyll cum to sum passe that we shall know how longe our Abode shalbe but how so evar it faules oute I wyll nott fale but be with you before kyrsemas orre eles you shall cum to me/ the plage is desparsed sore Abrode in london so that the quene kepes hur kyrsemas here & goethe nott to grenwyche As it was mente my lade cobam your dere frende wysches your presens here ho loves you well/ I tell hur I have the cause to love hur beste for that che wysched me so well to spede as I dyd & as the pene wrytes so the harte thynkes that offe All erthely Ioyes that hath happenyd vnto me I thanke god chefleste for you/ for with you I have All Ioye & contentasyon of mynde & with oute you dethe is mor plesante to me than lyfe/ if I thought I shuldbe longe be from you/ & therefore good wyfe doo as I wyll doo hope shortely offe oure metenge & fare well dere swete none from hamton courte this mondaye At mydnyght for it is every nyght so late before I goo to my bedd beinge At play in the preve chambar At premyro where I have loste almost Ahundereth poundes & laked my sclepe

Your fethefull husbande tyll dethe

G Shrewsbury

wyfe tell my doughter mawle that I Am nott plesed with hur that che hath nott wryten to me with hur cystar yett wyll I nott forgett hur & the Reste & pray to god to blesse them All

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