To my sune gylbard talbott to be delyverd to my wyfe the countes of Shrewsbury
wyf I Am sory to here you Arre nott well Recovered as yett of this desees butt swetynge ho so is Abell to Abyde it is the sureste Remedy I thanke you for causenge gylbard to wryt to know how my hande dothe it is mych bettar I thanke god & your good wyll for wyschenge it soo/ now this last nyght I Intarcepted bagshaw found folysch lettares where in you may see his delynge & what trost he hathe putt in your daughtare./ it were good you loked to that yonge fellow goodere he is Atruste fellow lyttell to hur honor & smawle deskresyon Remenes in him/ I love nott to dele in thynges I shall have smawle thank forre butt wysch well wych is All I can doo/ besy hedds wylbe okupyed nedeles so I end that mattar it were good you loked to sutton ho is made Aspye to gyve bagshaw Intellygens/ & for bentles lettar cend for him to you & delyvar him his lettar your celfe openyd & Intarcepted by me & so show him that he may perseve you vndarsta[nd] bagshaw his Inderete delynge I have no more to say butt that I made my selfe sport At his lettares to see how onest Avergen he wold make hur so wyschenge to you as to my celfe this xj of september 1580/

Your fethfull husband

G Shrewsbury

because the Redynge may perhapp trobell you lett gylbard Rede them to you & they wyll make you the meryar to laghe At his folly

gylbard your boy cam butt this mornyng & weted At hennsfeld All nyght

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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
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