I proceeded noe further with Cole considering I receiued noe further directions from your Ladyship vppon your receipt of my laste leter supposing your honor doth mislike of his asseurance Thus being bould to trouble your Ladyship rather choosing to doe soe then to omitte any parte of my dewty in doing seruice to your honors to whome after my own ... I reste most bounden and allwais redy t[o] bee commaunded to the vttermost of my poore powre Longford 26 September
Right honorable my very good Lady Considering
the deuty I owe vnto my Lorde and your honorable selfe I thought it not my parte to lette
passe any seruice, the omission wherof might turne
either to your honors preiudice or withdrawe
any proffite that may bee dewe Soe it is I
am certainly lette to vnderstande that one
Wiliam Vaughan of Llaurethall standeth outlawed
after iudgement at the suite of one Master Ambrose
griffith by reason of which outlawery the
proffits of his lands and all his goods ar
forfeted vnto my Lord his land and goods lyinge
within your manor of Irchenfilde his stocke
being worthe 500 li. And yet of this your
Ladyship is like to bee defrauded if your honor
doe not wright vnto your officers to haue
especiall care therof. and they will the
rather perfourme their deuties therin when
they shall vnderstand that my Lorde
and your Ladyship ar acquancted with the matter
and doe geue directions for the honest
exequution of the same.
I proceeded noe further with Cole considering I receiued noe further directions from your Ladyship vppon your receipt of my laste leter supposing your honor doth mislike of his asseurance Thus being bould to trouble your Ladyship rather choosing to doe soe then to omitte any parte of my dewty in doing seruice to your honors to whome after my own ... I reste most bounden and allwais redy t[o] bee commaunded to the vttermost of my poore powre Longford 26 September
I proceeded noe further with Cole considering I receiued noe further directions from your Ladyship vppon your receipt of my laste leter supposing your honor doth mislike of his asseurance Thus being bould to trouble your Ladyship rather choosing to doe soe then to omitte any parte of my dewty in doing seruice to your honors to whome after my own ... I reste most bounden and allwais redy t[o] bee commaunded to the vttermost of my poore powre Longford 26 September
[Iohn] ...