To my Lady of Shrovesbury her good Ladyshipp.
My moost humble duetie remembred vnto your honorable
good Lady may it please you tunderstand that I loked to
haue had somme determination of the meting of the parties
by your last lettres. but I perceve you had in remembraunce
the same by my cosen Cavendishe, but Master Sutton doth[e]
say that he had none to me; It is requisite your pleasure
be knowen betwyme by cause now my Lady's grace
and Master Barttewe goethe shortly into the contry, and
so wold vndertstand your full pleasure therein as
sowne as might be; I was yestersday with Master Bartewe and he told me, my cosen Anthony Wingefeld
was with her grace and talking of the matter; her
grace lyked of my cosens comming to her howse in the
contry; the which I told masetr Bartewe wold be to
publike, considering bothe sydes requirethe secresy;
he thoughte it best as I writte be fore; that she
mighte comme vp to my cosen Wyngefeld, and a
sighte to be had with great secresy; divers wayes
without speeche; and thus once agayne, I thoughte
to put you in remembrance and to do as your Ladyship dothe
thinke the best; the yonge gentill man is comme
now to Grayes Inne; and I haue bothe spoken to the
father and to him to be acquainted with my cosen
William Cavendishe, with which after sighte and the lyking of the parentes, may further the matter much,
but there is no speche to him as yet by the earnest
request of his father, in the matter till sighte be
past; good madame send some speciall lettre of your determination of their meting whan and wheare with speed
Newes heare is never certayne; but as thei be moost
credebely reported, be thies that followes.
That quene mother is sicke and in a frensye for her
son the King of Poland that hathe bine Kepte prisoner
in Germany till now of late that he is released
by composition.
That Rochell standethe vpon their gard and hathe
receved monsieur Delano in the towne with many lustie
gentilmen for their defence; and that the protestantes
of langwidock provence dolfyne and Navarre doth
withstand the king; and continuethe in armes.
That Conte Montgomery is gonne to sturre vp
the Protestantes in Brayne wheare his land
dothe laye.
That the Prince of Orange hathe gotten the porte
of Midellbrugh that no vitalles cannot comme in by
no meanes and is very stronge vpon Zeland;
That the newe Governor makethe as great a
power as he can of the contry, and with shippes
and ayde out of ffraunce; the which is thoughte shall
not be able to succurr Medelbrugh.
That Scotland is quiete and Ireland full of
great disquietnes; for this day the quene dothe heare
all their opinions that hathe bine in Ireland in service
and to resolve what is best to be donne there in.
That the Busshopp of Roos is gonne in to ffraunce
Who thei say is lyke to bride muche inconveniences
And thus moost humble I take my leave of your honorable
good Ladyship scribeled at London the .3. of ffebruary .1573.
Your honorable Ladyship's ever to command during
Hugh ffitzwilliam/