To my wyfe the countes of Shrewsbury
My Iewelle I have Resevyed your lettar & have cent you by bankes ij postes bothe contenyng xxiij or xxiiij apese wych is alle I can gett As yett & hardly wylbe gotte more of that pryse/ I pray you send herby glasses for [Reservatyon] for here is none at alle/ & for that you thynk I have forgott you I send you mo money you shalle have xx or xxxli cent you within this iij days at the furtheste or so sone as it cvm to my handes I sent bottells & bytes & they brote them in the carige I have no fole yett cvm to me yet I marvelle at farewelle my only Ioy george your boy is welle & old george nott welle in his stomak a ryghtes/. I thynk this day to goo to wyrksoppe to my bedd./ Monsure Lesurares nages is cvm so he departes [shortly] hens/ from fare welle swete harte this monday mornyng

Your one true [husband]

G [Shrewsbury]

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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
Version 1.0 | ISBN 978-0-9571022-3-1
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