To the Ryghthonorable hys synguler
good Lady the Countes of
Pleaseth yt your Ladyshypp that as I acknowledge my selfe wholy
indettyd vnto yow, as well for your woonted curtesye to my selfe,
as your honorable Lettres in the behalfe of my brother to Master Gerard,
so have I nowe an humble sute vnto yow, wherof I crave such
acceptatyon as your Ladyship may convenyently admytt/ which ys thys that
where my brother (havyng hys eldest daughter aboute the age of xviij
yeares) ys very desyrous for a tyme to place hyr in servyce with yowr
Ladyship (by reason of such honorable report as he hath receyved of yow)/
so yt woold please your Ladyship the rather at my humble sute to receyve
hyr into your servyce/ trustyng at yf you vouchsave so to doo, neyther
the condytyons of the Mayden, neyther hyr parentes mayntenance
of hyr in your servyce shall move your Ladyship forthynke your curtesye
in thys behalfe./ Thus commendyng my humble servyce both to
my Lord and your Ladyship I shall not cease to pray for your glad
prosperytee./ ffrom Grymston haule in Suffolke thys xijth
Iuly./ 1570./
Your Ladyshypps to commaunde
Rychard Cavendysshe