My bounden dewtie most humbly remembred
to your Ladyship &c/ Hauing bene
but one night in towne, I can aduertyse your
Ladyship of little./ my lady Penbroke
monday last, went as farr as the Erle
of Kentes to haue mett hir father, where
she reseued letters from Rufford yat the
Erle of Shrouesbury was not abell
to trauell, som say yat about a moneth
hence he purposeth to be in towne./
yt is sayd yat the duke of holst, my
Lady Arbell/ & my Lady marquesse shall
christen the Queen's maiestis daughter, but
which of ye Lady marquesses I know
not./ ffor your Ladyships matters I
shall plie them ernestly, both to quite
your Ladyship of suites; and yat I may ye
soner weyt of you./ The Quene
of Spayne is lately brought a bed
of a sonne; The Spanish Imbassador
here, for ioy made many fireworkes in
the street before his howse, & cast
gold & siluer amongst the peple to ye
value of Cardinall of
Medices vnkell to the duke of fflorence
is chosen Pope./ yt is thought he will
fauor the french more then the
Spanyard./ And so most
humbly beseching your Ladyships blessing
I most humbly ceass, with my dayly
prayer to ye Almightie to graunt
your Ladyship a long & happy lyfe/
ffrom London the xxiijth of Aprill 1605
Your Ladyships
most humble & most
bound sonn
W. Cauendysshe