To my wyfe the countes of Shrewsbury
My none where you lefte bylles behynd you that your cystar cent to you for Iron At my smethes I consydar if I shuld cend you Iron from thens I shuld lues All my costemares/ & therefor I praye you if you nede cend to my hamar for there I wyll take none for no vse because I wyll see what it cum vnto/ for if my gene be no grettarr than it hath bene I wyll putt doune my smethes there/ & for otes you wryte for sede I have spoken with sir henry fryth ho tells me there wylbe xij quartares otes & dregge at brasengton/ & ... viij quartares he shall provyd for you to make vppe xx quarters/ I have cent you by sir henry fryth tenne pounde to make it vpp xxxli/ this lade hathe bene syke cynse you wente & kepes mych hur bedd this daye is sumwhat bettar I have cent you sych lettares as I Resevyd yestardaye from gylbard wych is All the nues as yett I Resevyd/ I have bene to bold with herenge wych hath made me syke All nyght but now I thanke god metely well/ & so fare well my only Ioye this mondaye mornynge

Your fethefull husband

G Shrewsbury

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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
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