[T]o the right honorable [countess] of Shrewsbury [at] Chatesworthe ... wheare.
My moost humble duetie remembred vnto your honorable good Lady may it please the same tunderstand, that by lettres of the xxiiijth of the last out of Spayne from a towne bordering vpon the Mores; saythe that the King hathe driven them in to the mountaynes agayne, after the accustomed sorte; for that thei hauing no horse men; thei be fayne to retire whan the Kinges approchethe nere; and whan the forrage is wasted, than the horsemen retire; and than the Mores dothe occupye the Vallyes, as more stronger than the King in foote men.

The brute goethe heare that the Admirall is come to Montarges a place of the duches of fferrares .xxviij. beyond Paris, and so myndethe to comme in to picardie; to finishe his generall visitation; and for his resistance thei brute apeaux a fresshe; for other assistance I do not feare of the kinges syde; by cause his confederates be so occupyd in their owne particular affayres, of suche waightie moment; as the Emperor and his frendes in Germany standethe in feare at this present of their owne estates; The Italians be fully occupyd with bothe their particular and their common ennemye the great Turk; and King Philip is occupyd with the Mores; and in Barbry; and to defend against the Turk in Italy; in suche sorte as the ffrenche King is very lyke to be driven to a great after deale.

At Rochell thei say the Protestantes haue prevaled greatly against the King, and hathe taken the Isle of Burwage, and other places wheare all the Baie salte is made; and hathe put to the sword all the Italians to the nombre of .iij.ml and their owne contrimen thei haue sufferred to departe, and monsieur delano hathe loste his arme (which was the levetenant and the leader of that intrprise of the protestantes parte; for whom thei do make great lamentation, being in great dannger.

The Emperor remanethe at Spires wheare he cannot goo forward nor backeward without dannger, being in haterd of the princes protestantes, till some agreement be made.

The duke of Alva goethe on with his preparations of his Navie, and the Lord Admirall is at gillingham to see the quenes Navie in setting forward The duke saythe that the preparation is made to no other end than to transporte the quene his mystres in to Spayne, and so after to serve against the Mores; and the quene our soverayn sayth that by cause the quene of Spayne shall haue no harme of the Englishe coste, she shalbe whafted with .x.ml men; and by the same purpose the capitaynes and the men be in redynes, and the shippes are in preparing with all diligence with as muche speede as the duke makethe of his.

Thei say monsieur Rambolet hath donne the ffrenche Kinges message; for the libertie of the Scotishe quene, and that she might enioye her owne realme and to governe it and to se the bringinge vp of her owne child; the quenes majestie answered that she marrveled the King wold troble him self in matters so farre from him; having so muche to do at home; as for the matters betwene her syster of Scotland and her; thei wold agree well inough, he shold not nede to care for it; and so it is thought as yet, she shall not comme to the speche of the quene of Scotland and muche lesse to goo into Scotland.

The Lordes of the kinges syde continue still in their consultation at Edenburgh; and the lordes of the quenes syde be in the earle of Argiles contrye and stureth not.

My Lord of Sussex hath discharged of late .xvj.c men and the reste is lyke to be discharged shortlye; and thei say he laborethe to be dispatched both of his levetenantshipp, and also of his presidentshipp; and hath a grante so to do, with fauor, of the quenes majestie

The earle of Linaux hathe writen to his wyfe yat the king his son hath the printe of a Lion on his syde.

The duke of Norfolk hathe set out a submission in writing; and hath declared his perfite seale in the quenes majestie religion; and hath vttarly renunced the mariage with the Scotishe quene, and how to subpresse the Rebelles; it hath comme to divers mens handes, but yet I haue not sene it.

There is divers of the Rebelles endited at Norwich at this last assysse and .v. of them be loked for to comme to the tower shortly; and for the rebellion this time twelmonethe there abowte, be condemned to perpetuall pison with the losse of landes and goodes.

Sir Thomas Cornewalles and his son in lawe Master Kytson be at libertie, by cause thei be contented to comme to the devyne service.

There hathe bine seditious billes hurled in the courte, and at Northampton at the assises and in other places; for which cause besides the proclamations made in that behalf the counsell hathe directed their lettres in to the contryes for the ponishing of suche bawde dealing.

And thus with my moost humble commendacions, I take my leave of your honorable good Ladyship wishing vnto my lord and yow and to my frend all helthe to godes pleasure scribeled at London the .xxviij. of Iuly .1570.

Your honorable good Ladyship's ever to command during lyfe

Hugh ffitzwilliam

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