to mi good cosyn the ladi seantelo
i haue openyd your letter mi good ladi to me uery wellcom as ffrome her i loue dearely and most desyr to see/ i wlode yow had as good caus to com to ley in thes partes as i colde wyshe and thene yow shulde be as grete a stranger in darbi shere as now yow ar in london/ i am now at cobham wher i intende god wyllynge to be browght a bed i loke a weke before sente anderous day/ i pray praye for me i know i shall spede much the better for a good womanes prayer/ i haue bassted the scleue of that wydenes that wyll best contente the quyne/ the lenth all wrott wyllbe shourte innoufthe/ i know the wyllbe well leked the ar fyne and strange/ i haue heyr sent yow inclosed the brede and lenthe of a caylle for the quyne of the same worke for the shyrte wyth the scleues/ yow may sendyt up unmade/ for that the faysshyne ys much altered senes yow were heyr x yarde ys innoufe for the roauffes of the neke and handes/ thys wyshynge to yow and yowrs as to mi selef i leue wyth mi louynge and fryndely commendatyons to your selfe wyth the lyke to yow frome mi lorde/ frome cobham the xxi of october//

bi your louynge cosyn and assuered frynde euer

F Cobham

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