To the righte honorable my verie good Ladie the Countesse of Shrewsburie dowager./
Righte honorable and my verie good Ladie. I haue according to the purporte of your honorable letters presented your Ladyships newe yeres gifte togeather with my Ladie Arbellas to the Queenes Majestie whoe hathe verie graciously accepted thereof and takeing an especiall likeing to that of my Lady Arbellas; it pleased her Majestie to tell mee that whereas in certaine former letters of your Ladyships your desire was that her Majestie would have that respecte of my Lady Arbella that she mighte be carefullie bestowed to her Majesties good likeing that according to the contente of those letters her Majestie tould mee that she would be Carefull of her and withall hathe retorned a token to my Lady Arbella which is not so good as I Could wish it nor so good as her Ladyship deserveth in respecte of the rarenes of that whiche she sente vnto her Majestie But I beseeche you good Maddam seing it pleased her Majestie to saie so muche vnto mee touching her Care of my Lady Arbella that your Ladyship will vouchesafe mee so muche fauour as to keepe it to your selfe not making anie other acquainted with it but rather repose the truste in mee. for to take my opportunitie for the putting her Majestie in mynde thereof which I will doe as Carefullie as I Cann. And thus being alwaies bownd to your Ladyship for your honorable kindenesses towardes mee I humbly Committ your Ladyship to the safe protection of Almightie god. ffrom Westminster this xiijth of Ianuarie 1600

Your Ladyship moste bownden

Dorothie Stafford

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