To my verie good Lady
the Countes of Shrewsbury
geve these
My very good Lady I: am bould to recommend to
your Lady shippes good furtherannce this berer mistres
higgens an ould servant of my Late awntes your predecessor
who claymeth a paret from my Lord your husband as by
his deed it semeth that he hath granted ye
gentlewoman is my kinswoman & to my Iudgment
in no such estat but that this grant may much
plesure her wherfor my good Lady I estonece request
your good Ladyship’s furtherannce in such sort as she may find
that I haue recommended her & so resting to requite
the plesure that you shall shew her in such sort as
occasion may serve me I Leave your Ladyship to god from Newark
this 18 of Aprill
Your Ladyship’s most assured
to Commaund