To my lady
the quene the lady cobham the lady clenton the lady howarde the lady knolles the lady strange the lady cescell the lady baken the lady myldmaye the lady cattelyne my cossen garate my syster wynfelde blanche marberey

the lorde great sealle the lorde tresorare mayster atorney mayster solysyter mayster osborne the lorde cheffe joustys mayster creswell

myel my lady h my lady r my lady ny my lady g Item of countery wemen

penystone yn streton
may yt please yow to vndearstand that master wyngfeld hath deleuered yow veneson to the quenes magsty with my lords most humbill comendacyons and yow Ladyship’s with humbill thanke frome both yow honors for her henes grayt goodnes I assure yow ladyship of my fayth her magisty did talke one longe owre with master wyngfeld of my lorde and you so carefullly that as god ys my Iuge I thynkte yow honors haue no frende leuynge that coulde haue deper consederacyon nor more show loue and grayt afficyon. yn the end she asked when my lord ment to come to the court he answared he knew not then sayd she I am assured yf she myght haue her owne wyll she woulde not belonge before she would se me then sayd she I haue bene glade to se my lady sayntloa but now more dyssirous to se my lady shrewsbury I hope sayd she my lady hath knowne my good opennon of her and thus muche I assure you there ys no lady ys thys land that I beter loue and lyke master battemane can more at large declare vnto yow honovr and so with most humbill comenndicyons to my very good lorde I weshe to you both as the quens magisty doth disire and so take my leaue yn humbill wysse frome SenIons the xxj of october

yovr honors to commeand

E wyngfelde

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'Bess of Hardwick's Letters' was developed by The University of Glasgow with technical development provided by The Digital Humanities Institute at The University of Sheffield
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