To the Right honor[able] and my singuler good Lady the [Count]esse of Shrewesbury

at Ha[r]dwyke
Good Madam I was very glad of the receipt of your Ladyship’s lettre and chefly for that I doo vnderstand theirby that you be in good helth which I pray allmighty god Long for to contynew. Towching your Ladyship’s request in the behalf of Sir Edward Dyer this much may please you to vnderstand I receiued a lettre from the Erll of Shrewsbury by yong Sellers desiring me to take order for the saffe keping of Master Beresfords goods in Master Dyer right because the said Master Berisford had made him his executor wheirvpon I did presently send tow of my seruants vnto Bircheouer which is within tow mylles of me and their Left tow men to Looke vnto his howse and Cattail he hath their whoe doo their parts honestly for thei haue fownd a good porcion of Wooll that was hydde in a Rocke. and their I appointe them to remain and haue sett sealles vpon the Lockes wheir any goods be and haue charged them to haue good care also that their be no sheepe nor Cattaill purloyned owt of the pastorrs so as I haue no dowt all things their shalbe in saftey vntill I hear forther. Their is at Byrcheouer a great quantite of Lead wooll sheep and somme Cattaill but ... which he is thought not be withowt/ platte and stuffe/. is at Bently whither Master Harpir had sent befor the receitt of my lettre to take ... order. Master Dyer[s] ag[e]ntes I am well knowen vnto but beeng your Ladyship’s frend I [w]ill carrye the better ... either in this or any other seruice you may please to comma[un]de me/ and so I pray god almighty Long to preserue your good Ladyship ffrom haddon this xxjth day of December 1602

Your Ladyship’s most humbly to comaunde

John Manners.

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