Vnderstandinge by this bearer Richard Weston, of the willinge
mynde your Honor hath to deale with me before an other, for
such woodes about Alton Parke as are mete to be dispended in
the Iron woorkes there, and that your Ladyship is also contented
to disburse at Midsomer next CCCCli towarde the furnishinge
stocking & repayringe of the sayd workes. I will therfore with what conenient
speede I may cause the waters to be vewed by men
of skill, to thende I may be assured whether that proportion of
wood may there be dispended, as willinglie your Honor would,
which done I shalbe readie to conclude the bargaine with all
speed. Thus with my dutie remembred vnto your Ladyship do committ the
same to the tuicion of the Allmightie. London this xxjth
of May 1591.
Your Honors to commande./
Letter to ye cowntes
of Shresbury for
Beinge offrred a bargaine of wood nere Alton Parke, by the
countesse your Mother in law to be dispended in Iron workes there
aboutes, after the rate of fyve shillinges for the woodes of euerye
dozen of coles yearly to be payed, and vnderstandinge her Ladyship’s
estate, to be therin for terme of lyfe, haue thought it mete to
make your honor acquaynted before my further proceedinges. And
if in dealinge with my Ladyship I may haue your LLordship's good
will & consent for the continuance of the yeares, that shalbe
agreed vppon betwixt vs yeldinge yowr Lordship the lyke rate for wood
if she should happen to dye before the expiration of the terme
the bargaine might stande me in some steed, otherwise I would be
loth to purchase your Lordship’s displeasure, or to make soe vncerten
a match, wherfore I humbly pray your Lordship to lett me
receaue by this bearer your full resolution, the rather for that
some others to whome lyke motion hath bene made seke to preuent
me, wherin I shall account my selfe much behouldinge to
your good Lordship
My Lord cane nott tylle howe to Annsawer
the Lettar ffor the Conntyneuwes of the bargynenge
yf my Lady showlld dye exsepe the wood be
Ratted of some prysse and hye Cane nott thencke
but the Colles wyle Leye yow in xs a dossene
whyche is a Resonabell Ryckennge in that/
Countre so I take yt a verye good Cowrse
to have the Lettare sent as yet was ffyrst
yt where allso good that yowr worship showlld wrytt
vnto master bentele that yf vpon the delleuere
of the Lettar vnto my ... Lord/ his/ hounnar
well Connsent to your barggynenge with my Lady
and ffor is ovne part well daylle with yow
and any other sort by alltryenge of the/
bargyne and to be payd by the dosen of
Colles som sartyn propossand delleverynnge
then at the worckes at is ovne Charge
or to be payd by the Cord of wood hye
allso berenge at the Charg at
of ffawllynge Cuttinge and Cardinge or to be
payd by the Card of wood yow berynge
at the Charge of ffawllynge Cuttinge and
Cardinge yf his hounnare desyere to alltare
the bargyne vpon any suche poynte master
bentelle to knowe is prysse and to sartyffy
yow there of spydaly
about a Bargaine
for Wood with my Ladie
Shrewsbury./ 1591